Monday, August 2, 2010

Get Me A Small Steak Fajita

In May, we took a trip to Washington DC. Last night, I finally downloaded the pictures. The flow of memories was unbelievable. Here is one of my favorites:

The security guards outside the capitol building seem to be rough around the edges. There was this Mexican food place we wanted to go to, so we asked one guard where it could be found. He told us, then said "And get me a large steak fajita," and held his hands about 3 inches apart from eachother. The girl we were traveling with said, "No that's a small steak fajita." He smiled and replied, "No, this is a small steak fajita," and held his hands about a foot apart. The little girl argued a little while, before she realized he was joking. Never judge a book by it's cover.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Long time no post!

This just goes to show how organized I am. I am now 12, and I am now running two blogs just about successfully. I enjoy acting, reading, writing, and rainy days. I am now going into the seventh grade in September. Just the other day, I was preparing for school. I was making a list of school supplies needed for the fall. I have my binder organized, notebooks found, and colored pencils sharpened, but my list is still empty. This left me slightly deflated, at the prospect of not having to make the yearly trip to Target. (Everyone knows the one, where you see other kids trying to get their moms to buy them $300.00 calculators and they're in the 4th grade. Kids can be so sure of themselves sometimes.) It was all I could do not to write my name on every marker and colored pencil. Anyone who has attended even one week of school knows that's the sure sign of either a parent or a child who has way too much time on their hands. I compromised and wrote my name on my black thin-tip sharpie.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Past my bedtime blog

It's 9 pm, past my bedtime. I finally figured out this blog. I've been working on it all night. The only flaw is that I'm only 9 years old, therefore my bedtime is right about now. My mom would kill me if she knew what I was actually doing at 9 pm. She would probably let me stay up if it were the weekend, but alas, it is a school night.